01.11.2009: This afternoon I spent a few hours preparing the panel for wiring. First I installed the small brackets which are used to hold the wire bundle which that will go to the circuit breakers, respectively switches.
Then I manufactured a new bus bar which connects the switches on the left side of the panel. The ones that I got with the kit were too short, so I went to a local electrical cabinet maker to get some copper bars to make new ones. He asked me what I need them for and when I told him that they are for a real plane I’m building I got them for free…
I also installed a copper bar behind the panel to which I will connect all ground leads. It has a direct connection to the negative pole of the battery to minimise electrical noise.
02.11.2009: The first thing I did this morning was to check, whether the parking brake valve was still not leaking. Everything was completely dry, but there were still a few air bubbles in the brake lines so we took them out by adding more brake fluid from the bottom until the bubbles reached the reservoir. Thanks to the overflow I made last week that worked without producing too much of a mess.
I then continued with the electrical system. I finished wiring the flap motor, flaps switch and flap position indicator. I hooked everything up to a small battery and all worked fine. Below the indicator showing that the flaps are in the fully up position.
Then I temporarily installed the panel cover and the panel itself to verify that everything fits, which it did. I then finished riveting the centre console into place. After that I removed the panel cover again, so that I can wire everything. The cover will then be riveted into place in the end. Below the panel, as it will look in the end. The markings of the switches and circuit breakers are of course not the final ones, and the FLARM is still missing (in the empty hole to the left of the GPS screen). When everything is finished I will also install the compass on the panel cover.
12.11.2009: I was in bed with a flu for some days, so no progress with building. And for the next two weeks I will be on a yet another business trip to Australia, which will again mean no progress. I will try to finish the schematics during this time, however, and to do some paperwork.
14.11.2009: I’m on my way to Australia. While I won’t do any building during the next two weeks I non the less hope to make some progress on the paperwork side. I also have to prepare all the placards for the panel, so that I can have them printed. There is plenty of time on those 24 hr flights…
28.11.2009: This month has not been one of big progress, as I first had the flu and then went to Australia, where I currently still am. I had planned to do some work on the schematics here, but so far I have been too busy with work, as well as with some sightseeing over the weekend. I will however fly back on Monday, and after that go full speed ahead again.