18.05.2018: I have exchanged the fuel pump today, as it has a five year time limit.
Of course I had to do a short checkflight to verfiy that everything is working properly…
25.05.2018: We had our monthly get together today, where some of the more active pilots meet in the evening for a beer and some pilots talk…
The topic of the day was the new lawn mowers! So far we had a large mower which can cut grass on a width of probably 6 m, but it was due for replacement. As we have to cut the grass up to twice a week during the summer (depending on the weather) and have more and more difficulty in finding member who are willing to make the job, someone proposed to switch to robot mowers. The proposal was first considered to be crazy, as the surface to cut is around 40’000 m2, but after some evaluation and discussions with one of the major suppliers of robot mowers they concluded that we should be fine with 10 mowers, each one having it’s own dedicated section to cut. The system has been installed over the last months an works perfectly. As we meet in the evening we could observe the mowers getting of their docking stations do do their business…