12.10.2016: We were visiting friends in Denmark and took the chance to go to the Technical Museum in Helsingør. The last time I have visited it must be around 25 years ago, and in the meantime they moved to a new location. I thought it to be still a typical technical museum with lot’s of stuff on different topics, but it is now essentially a transport museum, with at least half of the exhibits on aviation.
When entering the main building one is stunned by a significant number of really old planes from the time before the first world war until around the 30’s.

The first major exhibit show that this is not only an exhibition, they are also doing quite significant projects, such as the construction of a Friedrichshafen FF49C replica shown below.

Then there are a number of early seaplanes of Danish design

They also have a number of quite large aircraft, such as the DC-3 below,…

…and a rare Saab B-17

The most exotic exhibit however is a Blohm & Voss Bv 138 C-1 seaplane which was recently recovered from a fjord nearby, the only one in the world. It is an interesting aircraft from an engineers point of view, with many innovative design aspects such as the steel tube main spar of the wing hanging above, which also served as fuel tank.

Finally they have just about every aircraft ever flown by the Danish Air Force.

There is also a special exhibition on Jacob Ellehammer, a Danish inventor and aviation pioneer. Below a replica of one of the many planes he built, this one with folding wings.

He also built a helicopter, which he first flew in 1912. It is the original one, which was amazingly discovered some years ago in a barn somewhere in Denmark.

16.10.2016: I finally managed to update my website for the period from going to Oshkosh in July to the End of September. Work has kept me too busy to catch up, but then I had two week of holidays where I could spend some time on the website in the evenings.
30.10.2016: I managed to go flying today! The weather was just too nice to stay at home, so we took HB-YNL out and did a nearly two hours flight over the alps. We did not go anywhere special, just climbed to 12’000 ft to enjoy the scenery.
Below a few impressions from the flight.

Below a skiing station, with only a small stretch of snow from snow cannons up along the lift. I has been fairly cold in the mountains, with some snowfall during the last two weeks, so all stations started preparing for the seasons…

…but now it is warm again, as can be seen below. We saw +3o C at 12’000 ft.

When flying back to Lommis we passed a balloon, definitely the right weather also for them.