04.10.2007: Aaargh! Today I learned from my sales agent that our kit will not be ready in December, as I had hoped, but on the 22nd February 2008.
The fact that they tell me an exact date is however promising, as it seems to come from some kind of planning. Coincidentally the 22nd February is my birthday, which would at least make a nice birthday present if it already can’t be a Christmas present.
I will try to get at least all the manuals and plans by Christmas, so that I can do some of the planning work over Christmas holidays.
07.10.2007: Today I had a closer look at the 8.33 kHz question again, as the Garmin SL30 only offers 25 kHz channel spacing. At the EASA homepage I found the following information:
ICAO Conclusion 48/29 – 8.33 kHz Implementation Below FL195
8.33 kHz below FL195 was debated at length during the ICAO EANPG48 meeting, held 28-30 November 2006. The relevant ICAO EANPG 48 (International Civil Aviation Organization European Air Navigation Planning Group) conclusions, together with a statement from Spain, are provided below.
- States and all concerned entities note the EANPG decision to proceed with the full implementation of 8.33 kHz below FL195 in the area of 8.33 operations in the EUR region,
- EUROCONTROL be invited to develop an implementation plan for a phased transition to a full implementation of 8.33 kHz below FL195,
- EUROCONTROL be invited, in the context of the SES, to propose as soon as possible an amendment to the European Commission Implementing Rule on Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing (AGVCS-IR) to address the requirement for 8.33 kHz below FL195,
- States mandate carriage of 8.33 kHz equipment from 1st January 2008 for all new orders for aircraft to be flown in the 8.33 area of operation in the EUR region, and
- States advise all affected entities of the provisional dates for the introduction of services in 8.33 channel spacing below FL195 in the area of 8.33 operations, as follows:
i) ACC services (not tied to sector lower-limits), and affecting IFR, Controlled VFR and Night VFR, as from 2010,
ii) Full implementation as from 2013.
8.33 – Statement by Spain
Spain considered that this issue was not mature enough. Accordingly, and taking into account the difficulties to implement this technology in Spain below FL245, Spain stated that it was not in a position to approve the draft conclusion presented to the meeting on this matter.
Way Forward
In response to the ICAO EANPG48 conclusions, the Agency is seeking stakeholder support to develop a detailed implementation plan, and to perform awareness activities.
From my point of view that makes an 8.33 kHz radio nearly a must, as the decision seems to be taken to move that way. Of course things always take a little longer than planned, as the Mode-S transponder questions shows, but they usually come non the less. I will check with the local authorities whether the 8.33 kHz is indeed required for newly registered aircraft after 1st January 2008, which would include mine, or what they think about it.
10.10.2007: I continued my investigation regarding 8.33 kHz. I have found minutes from a
Bilateral meeting UK / Eurocontrol, LACC Swanwick 6th September 2007
in which it was made clear that 8.33 kHz is going to happen, GA might however have some time to implement it (2020 is mentioned). ICAO however recommends that new aircraft to be fitted with 8.33 kHz from 1st January 2008, which would affect our project.
I also started looking into how we could go and pick up the kit in the Czech Republic. It is about 950 km one way, most of it highway, so 12 hours drive maximum. We can go there one day, load the plane and drive back the following day. We need more time on the way back, as we have to go through customs.
Renting a trailer similar to the one below costs around 100€ for three days, so no big deal. This one has internal dimensions of 4650 x 2040 x 1800 mm (I have to check whether this is long enough), weights empty 630 kg and can carry 1870 kg. The kit shouldn’t be more than 400 kg (we ordered it together with the engine and all accessories) including packaging, so this means 1000 kg to pull. This should work out well with my car which is certified to pull 1350 kg.

13.10.2007: I found some more interior pictures, all of them from SportCruisers:

I also remembered that I took some pictures during our visit to CZAW last December

Surprise, surprise, they are all of light colour, with some having a darker colour for the centre part of the seat. I am just waiting for the leather samples from my sales agent so that we can make the final choice, but it is definitely going to be one of the light colours.
19.10.2007: I was abroad for some days, so no time to look after my kit project. I am however back now and have a week of holidays, so expect some more information soon.