10.02.2013: Not much to report, we rarely had a winter with snow down to where I live for such a long time, so no chance to go flying.
There is a bit of progress on my SportCruiser model plane. I complete removed the plastic foil covers, below a view of the striped kit.

I also prepared the wood with pore sealer, and then painted it with first layer of dope, so it’s now ready to be covered.
13.02.2013: A friend has an issue with noise on his headset, created by the strobes. So Rolf and I designed a filter to be inserted into the power supply of the strobes, which will reduce noise fed back from the strobes to e.g. the intercom. Below a setup in our lab, where we measured the spectrum of noise created by the strobes.

We then made a small filter, which does indeed reduce noise significantly.

We will test the filter on the plane to see whether it makes any difference. This is however not certain, the noise might also be induced to the audio cables from the cables leading to the strobes.