23.02.2014: I returned yesterday from another business trip, this time to Indonesia. When I woke up this morning I was greeted by a beautiful blue sky, so the decision was easy to go flying. As I have not flown for some time, with the last landing made on the 31st December last year, I had to do two landing before I could take my wife with me (you need three landings in the last 90 days to take passengers). Instead of just doing two circuits I quickly flew to St. Gallen (LSZR) airport, the nearest controlled airport from Lommis. That’s my normal spring “exercise”, just to make sure all procedures still sit well.
St. Gallen airport is located on the shore of Lake of Constance, with the approach from the west going for about 10 miles over the lake. That’s no problem in good visibility as today, but when visibility is limited it’s quite tricky.

Below the airport from the right hand downwind to Runway 28.

I did not turn straight to the base of runway 28 from the downwind, but had to do some 360s first as a big jet was landing in the opposite direction. Jets typically use Runway 10, as that is the only one with an ILS.

Below the tower as see when parking, with a business jet in front.

The one that landed before me just came down the taxiway.

After paying my landing fee I taxied back to the runway, passing one of my “dream planes”, a Twin Otter on floats. The maintenance in St. Gallen has specialised in overhauling Twin Otters, some are flown here from as far away as the Maldives.

I flew back past the Sàntis, the picture nicely shows the good weather.

I then went back to Lommis to pick up my wife, and we headed back towards the mountains.

We went to check out skiing conditions, as the pictures confirm that the lifts were still running,

We continued a bit into the mountains, enjoying the view, the sun and the quiet air.

Below lake of Zurich seen from quite a distance. Zurich is at the far end of the lake, probably around 50 to 60 km away.

The closer we got to Lommis the less snow there was, with just some patches on the Hörnli (1133 m above sea level).

On the plains snow has disappeared entirely, no wonder as we had a wonderful February so far.