05.03.2015: There is still not much to report, snow and weather are preventing me from pursuing any flying activities (except with airliners on business trips, such as today to Budapest…). Last week I attended a four day training on safety and quality management in aviation, which I had to do due to my role as the accountable manager of our Part M/F maintenance. I had to notice that EASA is definitely going crazy. According to the latest EASA regulations I shall audit all of our certificated suppliers at least once a year. The list includes large companies such as Piper Aircraft, SR Technics (calibration of tools) and Pilatus Aircraft (propeller overhauls). I’m sure they would just laugh when I announce myself to audit them…
07.03.2015: When I looked outside this morning I was greeted by a nearly cloudless blue sky. A quick check at the homepage of our airfield confirmed that it is open with certain limitations, such as e.g. no training circuits, so I decided to go flying. My wife wanted to come with me, but I have not flown since more than four months I first had to do a short trip alone to St. Gallen (LSZR) to get the required landings.
Below the approach to St. Gallen airport from the west, which requires flying over the lake for nearly ten miles.

St. Gallen is not the cheapest airport to fly to, but it’s only 15 min away and with a control tower a good warm up training in spring.

They also always have some interesting planes there, such as this Twin Otter, one of my favourites.

Once back in Lommis I picked up my wife and we headed towards the mountains.

We did check out skiing conditions, as we plan to go skiing tomorrow.

After that we just did our usual “enjoy the sun and the scenery” flight, half an hour into the mountains and then back again.

That’s what I call wellness….
28.03.2015: Yesterday we had our general assembly meeting of the flying club and today the spring cleaning day at the airfield, both typically symbolise the start of the flying season. We were extremely lucky with the weather for the cleaning day, but now it’s rainy again, so no flying.