01.04.2017: We had our annual spring cleaning of the airfield this morning, and the annual members meeting of the Experimental Aviation of Switzerland club, so a day filled with aviation related activities, but without getting airborne.
06.04.2017: It’s Aero time again, and this year I decided to go there on two consecutive days. Today I went alone to check for flight planning software, as I slowly have to decide how to continue with my paper subscription of the Jeppesen VFR manual. I just bought an iPad, as the newest version has a screen with improved visibility under sunlight conditions, so it is time to consider moving to an all-electronic cockpit.
07.04.2017: Today I went to Aero with my wife and with Urs, another SportCruiser owner from Switzerland, and we also me my friend from Denmark there who is on vacation in southern Germany.

08.04.2017: After two days at Aero I just had to go flying today, even though it was only a short flight.

Somewhere along our route we saw a Junkers Ju-52 from JuAir on one of their sightseeing flights. According to regulations they are limited to 10’000 ft, unlike us who were flying at 12’000 ft, so we saw them quite a bit below us.

There is no better way for me to relax than just cruising over the alps on a sunny afternoon…

23.04.2017: For once the nice weather is synchronised with my work schedule, so I went with my wife on a little tour to Les Eplatures (LSGC) and back. That’s the airport of La-Chaux-de-Fonds, the watch capital of Switzerland. Airport and city lie in the heart of the Jura mountains, which are less high than the alps but none the less very scenic.

Below Les Eplatures aerodrome, it lies right at the edge of the city of La-Chaux-de-Fonds, with large buildings at both ends of the runway.

One of the two buildings can be seen below, unbelievable that they are operating with small business jets from that 1165 m runway, and even land under IFR conditiosn with an ILS! Very friendly people with excellent service, highly recommended.

On our way back we flew along the northern rim of the alps with the usual sight on the Eiger, Mönch and Jungrau mountains.