14./15.12.2017: I spent the last two days doing some tests with a train on the old line across the Gotthard, which sees only little traffic since they opened the new, 57.1 km long base tunnel. We have done test on that line in the past, but I have never seen that much snow up there….

There was actually that much snow that they only managed to clear one track in the station of Airolo, all the other tracks were below around 1 metre of snow. Even the train driver started taking pictures.
20/21.12.2017: My last business trip this year, once more to Berlin where I went sixteen times in the last twelve months. No surprise I only managed to fly myself for around 30 hours with 23 landings, compared to probably around 110 hours and 80 “landings” on commercial jets.

This is also my last working day of the year, lets’ hope the next year will be less busy.