07.10.2018: I’m trying to catch up with flying, as I’m attempting to beat the negative record of 2017 when I only flew slightly less than 30 hours. I’m as busy at work as last year, and have so far only flown 24 hours, but I absolutely have to beat those 30 hours.
I has been quite cloudy again over the alps today, but apart from that, good flying conditions prevailed.

Some of the clouds were pretty spectacular, as those which can be seen below:

08.10.2018: Airborne again, today with less clouds. There were quite some in the plains, but blue sky ruled over the alps.

Luckily Lommis was clear, most airfields in the plains were below a thick layer of low clouds.

Above the clouds however visibility was essentially unlimited over the northern parts of the alps. Northern Italy and the southern parts of the alps were covered by clouds too, so I again did not succeed in flying to Matterhorn…

But I flew to the Engadin instead, below St. Moritz with Samedan Airport visible in the background.

All in all the flight took 2:43…
12.10.2018: Airborne again, today with even better weather than the week before, but I had only limited time available for flying. So no flight to Matterhorn again…

16.10.2018: It was finally the day where I succeeded in flying to Matterhorn, in great weather considering it is already mid-October. Again one can see that northern Italy is below clouds, Italy starts right behind Matterhorn.

When I returned later in the day I noticed a nearly circular ring of clouds to the west of Lommis, which looked incredible in the evening light.

20.10.2018: I have some business trips ahead of me, including one to down under again, so I take every chance to go flying these days. Today was one of these typical autumn days, with a thin, low layer of haze and blue sky above.

From the silence on the Zurich Information frequency I concluded that I was the only person taking advantage of the perfect flying weather, with the exception of a single balloon I met…

I always wonder why so many hobby pilots only fly during a self-imposed “season” from maybe end of March to maybe the end of September at best. I love to fly off-season, especially the light can be spectacular in Autumn.

20.10.2018: I’m heading down under again. Each of these trips means more flying hours than I do in my SportCruiser this year.
Below the Atlas mountains somewhere in Georgia or Azerbaijan.

And here the approach to Sydney, as seen when sitting on the left side on the final approach to Runway 16R, approximately 6 km / 4 miles from touchdown.