05.07.2019: I received the new Silent Hektik Battery Charger a few days ago, so today I went to install it, which took only maybe 20 minutes. It has the same plug and same mounting holes as the previous model, but you need longer bolts.

It also has an extra pin for a separate ground connection, as can be seen below. It is recommended that you add a separate lead from that pin to the negative pole of the battery. They specify that this extra connection shall not be longer than 30 cm, which was no problem in my installation but which could be an issue if the charger is not located next to the battery.

When starting the engine I immediately saw that it worked perfectly, but of course I had to do a check flight as the weather was perfect for flying.

Below the Rhine fall, there is still a lot of water from the snow runoff.

13.07.2019: I’m off again to Australia, flying once more on my favorite airliner, the A380. Of course I would have preferred going flying with my SportCruiser, but somehow one has to make a living.

When taxiing to runway 16 I saw what is probably a private Airbus A319. I had a paint scheme similar to the one on my SportCruiser, but with colours more appropriate for the patronage typical on such planes….

14.07.2019: I’m still on my way to Australia. After a stop in Singapore we took a route over the centre of Australia, passing overhead Uluru (Ayer Rock) airport, which i visited only about a month ago. As I had a window seat behind the wing and on the correct side (I always try to get one at the window and not over the wing) I managed to take some pictures of the rock. They turned out not bad, considering that they were take from FL 340 and through the window of an airliner. I have actually flown a number of times past Uluru over the years, but there were always either clouds, or it was dark, or I was sitting on the wrong side.

One can clearly see the road around the rock, as well as where the old runway was located, which was closed in 1983.
We arrived in Sydney just before sunset, after 22 hours flying time. That’s nearly as many hours as I did last year on my SportCruiser…

30.07.2019: I’m on my way home, another 23 hours of flying ahead of me. But most of it will be in the dark, so little chance to see anything.